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 Dr Susan Etok et mj

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4 participants
boston 76
Mj's bodyguard
Mj's bodyguard
boston 76

Féminin Messages : 3930
Date d'inscription : 15/08/2009
Age : 48
Localisation : France

Dr Susan Etok et mj Empty
MessageSujet: Dr Susan Etok et mj   Dr Susan Etok et mj Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc - 7:49

je ne connais pas encore cette femme, mais elle est super honnete en attendant, ce soir je ferais des recherches pour savoir le lien qu'elle avait avec mj, et pourquoi elle sait retrouvé sur la liste pour demander à se faire rembourser, alors qu'mj ne lui doit rien, la question que je me pose est , qui a fait une demande à la cour supérieur avec une liste qui je suis sure que la moitié n'attendent pas d'argent d'mj, en attendant je vous mets l'article tmz, bisous à ce soir

Portefeuille de Michael Jackson obtient finalement une pause
Posté le 28 décembre 2009 4:50 PM by TMZ Staff

Il ya une personne sur terre qui prétend Michael Jackson ne doit pas son argent - même si elle est dans une position privilégiée à l'encaisse po

TMZ a appris une femme nommée Dr Susan Etok prétend qu'elle a été indûment ajoutée à la liste ridiculement longue d'éventuels créanciers qui ont été Stiffed mai par le roi de la pop.

Etok - un ami de Jackson, qui vit en Angleterre - affirme qu'elle n'a aucune idée pourquoi elle est sur la liste, qui a été présenté en Cour supérieure du comté de Los Angeles la semaine dernière.

On nous dit Etok a déjà contacté les exécuteurs testamentaires de Jackson, les informant qu'elle n'a aucun droit sur dinero Jacko's.

Équipe d'intervention de Jackson - "Merci."
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Féminin Messages : 5420
Date d'inscription : 10/08/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : belgique

Dr Susan Etok et mj Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dr Susan Etok et mj   Dr Susan Etok et mj Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc - 11:00

Hello Miss

Comment vas tu????

Pour Susan Etok, je crois qu'il y a eu un post sur elle mais je suis certaine qu'il y a un blog

tu remarqueras que notre équipe de"CHOC" devrait s'installer à son compte car le coup du mariage de Tohme Tohme avec la soeur de Randy Philips, nous l'avions relaté il y a un bail..... lol!

Nous sommes vraiment des pros! RE lol! (bon allez, ça fait du bien de le croire)

Publié le 21 août 2009 à 15h20 | 6 Commentaires Imprimer

Deux mois après le décès de Michael Jackson, le mystère reste entier sur sa disparition. Susan Etok, médecin de longue date de la star qui a abandonné sa collaboration avec Bambi après de multiples supplications pour qu’elle lui prescrive des médicaments a accordé une interview à ETonline dont la première partie a été publiée et la seconde reste à paraître.

La première question que l’on est en droit de se demander est évidemment si elle croit en la thèse du meurtre et ce qu’elle dit à la police. Ce à quoi elle répond « J’ai tout simplement dit à la police ce que je savais, qui est la personne qui, je pense, est impliquée dans cette histoire, et ce que je pensais qu’il soit arrivé à Michael ».

Médecin personnel et proche de la star, le Dr Susan Etok faisait partie de son cercle proche depuis plus de dix ans. Désormais elle aide la police à avancer sur l’enquête qu’ils mènent à propos de tout le réseau de médecins qui ont aidé à fournir des médicaments à Bambi. Selon elle la police se focalise plus sur le comportement du roi de la pop et sur les trente-cinq personnes qu’ils sont en train d’entendre.

La grande majorité de ces trente-cinq personnes étant des médecins, la police pourra, en recoupant les témoignages, se faire une idée plus juste de ce a réellement été donné à Michael Jackson, établissant ainsi les « responsables » qui ont contribués à son addiction. Parmi eux figure évidemment le Docteur Conrad Murray qui est au cœur de l’enquête depuis plusieurs semaines maintenant et Allan Metzger radié de l’ordre des médecins depuis l’année 2000 pour prescriptions frauduleuses.

P.S. Tu remarqueras que Metzger revient dans le discours.......

Dr Susan Etok et mj Susane10

Dans cette vidéo, Geraldo (présentateur ) parle carrément du GANG de médecins....

Quelqu'un peut résumer (en quelques mots) celle ci?? MERCI

Y parle t-on d'une rencontre secrète????

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Infirmière en chef
Infirmière en chef

Messages : 1467
Date d'inscription : 12/08/2009
Localisation : belgique

Dr Susan Etok et mj Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dr Susan Etok et mj   Dr Susan Etok et mj Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc - 13:58

coucou suzy !!!! comment vas tu ???

malheureusement je pige pas grand chose non plus !!!

tit remarque perso !!!
vous trouvez pas qu'elle a l'air bien jeune Susan Etok !! sachant qu'elle est restée le medecin perso de mikl pdt 10ans ?????????????????????

grrr5 grrr5 grrr5
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boston 76
Mj's bodyguard
Mj's bodyguard
boston 76

Féminin Messages : 3930
Date d'inscription : 15/08/2009
Age : 48
Localisation : France

Dr Susan Etok et mj Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dr Susan Etok et mj   Dr Susan Etok et mj Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc - 17:26

oh là, tout à l'heure je vais regarder ça de plus près, attention surtout quand je lis rencontre secrète, non mais dis donc,

ps, ton chien fait la chasse aux escargots hihihihihihih
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Encyclopédie musicale

Féminin Messages : 5420
Date d'inscription : 10/08/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : belgique

Dr Susan Etok et mj Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dr Susan Etok et mj   Dr Susan Etok et mj Icon_minitimeMer 30 Déc - 17:49

Salut Anne , merci et toi comment vas tu? La réeduc ça va????

Non Bos, il est interpellé par les escargots et les lapins mais il ne leur fait pas de mal, ça va Boston?

Hier j'ai vu la série preuve à l'appui et j'ai été interpellée , j'ai fais un post dans canular/divers

ça parlait de faker sa mort, de faire effecer les empreintes de manière chirurgicale afin de ne pas être reconnu....
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boston 76
Mj's bodyguard
Mj's bodyguard
boston 76

Féminin Messages : 3930
Date d'inscription : 15/08/2009
Age : 48
Localisation : France

Dr Susan Etok et mj Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dr Susan Etok et mj   Dr Susan Etok et mj Icon_minitimeMer 30 Déc - 17:54

oui merci , ça va bien et toi ?
je viens justement de lire ton poste et j'y ai répondu, bisous
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Féminin Messages : 197
Date d'inscription : 18/09/2009
Age : 29
Localisation : Colmar

Dr Susan Etok et mj Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dr Susan Etok et mj   Dr Susan Etok et mj Icon_minitimeMer 30 Déc - 18:50

Salut tout le monde j'espere que vous allez bien.

Je ne connait pas grands choses sur cette fameuse docteur Susan Etok mais je me souvient d'un truc qui n'a pas d'importance pour nos recherches mais je vous le dit quand même :

Il ya pas trop trop longtemps j'ai acheté un livre et dedans il parlait de Michael et de cette Susan et Susan avait racontée que Michael lui avait demandé si elle voulait bien être la mère de son enfant parce que Michael voulait un quatrième enfant et il trouvait que Susan Etok serait parfaite pour lui en donner un mais qu'elle avait refusé pour je sait plus quelle raisons.

Voilà sa a pas de rapport mais au moins je vous l'aurais dit Smile
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boston 76
Mj's bodyguard
Mj's bodyguard
boston 76

Féminin Messages : 3930
Date d'inscription : 15/08/2009
Age : 48
Localisation : France

Dr Susan Etok et mj Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dr Susan Etok et mj   Dr Susan Etok et mj Icon_minitimeMer 30 Déc - 18:52

Michael-forever a écrit:
Salut tout le monde j'espere que vous allez bien.

Je ne connait pas grands choses sur cette fameuse docteur Susan Etok mais je me souvient d'un truc qui n'a pas d'importance pour nos recherches mais je vous le dit quand même :

Il ya pas trop trop longtemps j'ai acheté un livre et dedans il parlait de Michael et de cette Susan et Susan avait racontée que Michael lui avait demandé si elle voulait bien être la mère de son enfant parce que Michael voulait un quatrième enfant et il trouvait que Susan Etok serait parfaite pour lui en donner un mais qu'elle avait refusé pour je sait plus quelle raisons.

Voilà sa a pas de rapport mais au moins je vous l'aurais dit Smile

merci, c'est interessant de le savoir ma belle
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Encyclopédie musicale
Encyclopédie musicale

Féminin Messages : 5420
Date d'inscription : 10/08/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : belgique

Dr Susan Etok et mj Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dr Susan Etok et mj   Dr Susan Etok et mj Icon_minitimeMer 30 Déc - 21:17

Oui c'est super , merci
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Encyclopédie musicale

Féminin Messages : 5420
Date d'inscription : 10/08/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : belgique

Dr Susan Etok et mj Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dr Susan Etok et mj   Dr Susan Etok et mj Icon_minitimeMer 30 Déc - 21:20

En reponse à Anne , il semblerait que ce soit récent la relation Etok/MIKL

Les étranges demandes de Michael Jackson...
Par Team le 25 août 2009
- Thèmes :
Chaque jour son lot de nouvelles, bonnes ou mauvaises, concernant le King of Pop Michael Jackson. Cette fois, la news qui suit peut être rangée dans le dossier "enfant".

En Mars dernier, Bambi aurait parlé avec le Dr Susan Etok et lui aurait demandé d'être son (nouveau) médecin personnel. Voyant qu'il l'avait dans sa poche, MJ ne comptait pas en rester là avec elle puisqu'il lui aurait quémandé de devenir la mère porteuse de son quatrième enfant.

Evidemment, Susan Etok a refusé catégoriquement de lui faire ce bébé. Dans les lignes d'Entertainement Tonight, elle est revenue sur cette histoire : "Il pensait vraiment que je ferais une bonne mère, il était obsédé par mes gènes". En effet, les demandes de Michael étaient parfois exagérées...

Apparemment depuis mars 2009...
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Infirmière en chef
Infirmière en chef

Messages : 1467
Date d'inscription : 12/08/2009
Localisation : belgique

Dr Susan Etok et mj Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dr Susan Etok et mj   Dr Susan Etok et mj Icon_minitimeMer 30 Déc - 21:43

suzysuzon a écrit:
En reponse à Anne , il semblerait que ce soit récent la relation Etok/MIKL

Les étranges demandes de Michael Jackson...
Par Team le 25 août 2009
- Thèmes :
Chaque jour son lot de nouvelles, bonnes ou mauvaises, concernant le King of Pop Michael Jackson. Cette fois, la news qui suit peut être rangée dans le dossier "enfant".

En Mars dernier, Bambi aurait parlé avec le Dr Susan Etok et lui aurait demandé d'être son (nouveau) médecin personnel. Voyant qu'il l'avait dans sa poche, MJ ne comptait pas en rester là avec elle puisqu'il lui aurait quémandé de devenir la mère porteuse de son quatrième enfant.

Evidemment, Susan Etok a refusé catégoriquement de lui faire ce bébé. Dans les lignes d'Entertainement Tonight, elle est revenue sur cette histoire : "Il pensait vraiment que je ferais une bonne mère, il était obsédé par mes gènes". En effet, les demandes de Michael étaient parfois exagérées...

Apparemment depuis mars 2009...

vas falloir que je cherche ! mais j'ai lu dans un post qu'elle est restée son doc pdt 10 ans ! et qu'elle aurait arreté parce que mikl voulait qu'elle lui prescrive des médoc et elle aurait refusé ???????????????
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Encyclopédie musicale

Féminin Messages : 5420
Date d'inscription : 10/08/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : belgique

Dr Susan Etok et mj Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dr Susan Etok et mj   Dr Susan Etok et mj Icon_minitimeDim 9 Mai - 10:41


La chaine de télé l'intercepte juste avant qu'elle ne parle aux enquêteurs


Je crois qu'elle parle des problèmes d'addiction dus aux prescriptions exagérées


Je pense qu'elle explique que MIKL l'a supplié d'être son fournisseur de médicaments pendant la tournée qui devait avoir lieu à Londres

23 /08 /2009

MIKL lui aurait demandé d'être la mère d'un quatrième enfant


Elle parle de la prescription abusive en général et de sa lettre au résident Obama
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Encyclopédie musicale
Encyclopédie musicale

Féminin Messages : 5420
Date d'inscription : 10/08/2009
Age : 31
Localisation : belgique

Dr Susan Etok et mj Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dr Susan Etok et mj   Dr Susan Etok et mj Icon_minitimeDim 9 Mai - 11:46

Il y a juste un truc qui m'interpelle , en tant qu'amie de MIKL, pourquoi choisir DIMOND comme interlocutrice puisqu'il en avait horreur?

Elle aurait signé un contrat de confidentialité afin de ne rien révéler de sa vie de son vivant

Cependant (mais ce sont des tabloïds...) elle dit avoir rencontré MIKL en 1988 et une autre fois en 1998
Elle dit ne pas révéler la personne par qui elle l'a rencontré et ensuite le nom est lâché
Elle l'aurait rencontré après un tournage de film et une autre fois en vacances ?????

Susan Etok speaks to Saharareporters: Me and Michael Jackson! PDF | Print | E-mail
Saturday, 26 September 2009 03:54

Dr. Susan Etok
Dr Etok hit the headlines last month as she travelled to America to give evidence to the Los Angeles Police Department over the investigation into Michael Jackson’s death based on what she had witnessed in a London hotel in March 2009.

The lifelong friend of tragic ‘King Of Pop’ Michael Jackson has told Sahara Reporters of her failed intervention over the star’s drug abuse just two weeks before he died. She said “I knew that Michael Jackson was in trouble, so, I did my best to reach-out to the people around him but unfortunately those appeals fell on deaf ears.”
Dr Etok has also lobbied US President Barack Obama and Gordon Brown to raise awareness of prescription drug dependency.
Dr Etok has been invited to assist the US Government to tackle prescription drug abuse and has submitted a seven-page report to the New York State Assembly in Manhattan on September 10 2009. She spoke to the Assembly, including government legislators, about alcoholism and drug abuse.
In the last year Dr Etok has been providing counselling and support to individuals coping with HIV/AIDS and works with other charities to prevent child abuse..

Saharareporters spoke with Susan Etok about her life with Michael Jackson.

SE: I met Michael 11 years ago.

SR: That would be…

SE: 1998.

SR: Exactly when?

SE: I met him in January/February time.

SR: January, February. I want to ask you this question about Michael’s sexuality. There is this book that is probably making a lot of money in sales saying that Michael is gay.

SE: Michael was not gay. He was just somebody who was brought up well, to respect women, and he was not a womanizer, he was a respectful man, a respectful person. He loved women and he respected them.

SR: But you know, someone asks how do you know Michael was not gay? I mean has he propositioned you?

SE: The reason that I know that he’s not gay is because when you’re around him you see the way he interacts with women. He will flirt, if he sees a beautiful woman he’ll get shy. He reacts like a normal heterosexual man to women. Now I know a lot of gay men. Gay men don’t respond to women. Michael will. If there’s a beautiful woman who walk into the room Michael will look.

SR: What about you look at towards the end of his life, you know photographs of him dressed like women. What is responsible for that?

SE: That he dressed like women? Michael was an artist. If you look at a lot of geniuses…Michael was a musical genius. All the geniuses that you see, they have an eccentric side to them, whereby they like to express their artistry and that was just Michael’s way of expressing himself. Some people do it through tattoos, look at these famous singers they have funny haircuts, they’ll have tattoos…Michael, that was the way he liked to express himself.

And he liked to be unique. And mysterious.

SR: That’s amazing. So, but you know him very closely? And now you say you’ve met him countless times?

SE: Yeah.

SR: So all the time you knew him, what was the impression you got apart from being very shy and…

SE: He was only shy around people he didn’t know. One of the things I loved about him was he was a joker. As in he liked to have fun. He was very playful, he liked to have a laugh, he liked to play tricks on his friends, he liked all the things you associate with children like fun fairs, having fun, playing on the bike, animals, very, very gentle and very funny.

SR: If I may ask, were you ever attracted to him as a person?

SE: No.

SR: Never?

SE: No.

SR: Why not?

SE: Because I saw him like a brother. That’s why: I saw him like a brother. And also, he’s much older than me.

SR: He’s not attracted to you?

SE: Was he attracted to me? I mean I don’t know. I never took it to that level. But you have to remember he’s 50, he’d have been 51 and I’m 32. When I first met him I was only like 21. And so he was much, much older than me.

SR: Well he’s Michael Jackson. He’s got fame, you know, everything that you…

SE: But you know, its like when you don’t know somebody you see them in a certain light, but when you know someone you don’t, I don’t see him like how everyone else sees Michael Jackson. To me he was just a normal person. Because I knew him for so long. When you first meet someone then maybe you’re a bit star struck, but if you’ve known someone for a long time they’re just a human being to you. And he was just a friend, almost like a big brother.

SR: Maybe take us back again. How did you meet him? Through family…?

SE: Okay. I went to America with a friend, she’s now dead actually. She’s a Nigerian. She’s the daughter of this former … health minister, the minister for health. The minister for health is called Dr. Joseph Ana. His daughter was good friend of mine and she traveled with me to America. She died in 2007 in Nigeria, anyway, so we went together. It was funny, me and her we were walking down the street and in America people don’t think that black people come from England, or if they do they think we’re rough, so they were very surprised that we spoke really well. So these two men, one of them is a rap star called Rated R, I don’t know if he is still famous in America, but he was a rap star at the time. He saw us and he started trying to chat us up and telling us to come with him. And he said that he was doing a movie with a film star called William Shatner called “Star Trek” and that he wanted us to hang around. So we thought okay, yeah why not.

SR: This was where? This was in Los Angeles?

SE: This was in Hollywood. Just off Hollywood, you know where the stars are, the stars on the floor. So we decided that we’ll hang around with them and then they said okay, you can be extras as in the background, so I’m in one scene in this movie sitting in the background while William Shatner is playing pool with another guy called Eric McCormick. So after that, we became friendly with all the different stars. Now at the time some of these stars were just up and coming. Now some of them are very big. But at the time they were just quite low level. Because this was 11 years ago.

SR: Yes.

SR: So you met him, and you started talking since then. Did he give you his number, or…

SE: He gave me his number, he didn’t give me his direct number, but he gave me the number of his assistant called Evvy and he told me that if I ever want to get in contact with him that I should just give Evvy a call. And he said to me, you know, if I want to come to visit him at Neverland that I should just let Evvy know and she’ll arrange it. And I wasn’t sure whether I was going to have time because we had an appointment to go down to San Diego and Tijuana, but on the way back we made one day so that we could go to Neverland and visit Michael.

SR: So when was the first time you went to Neverland to meet him?

SE: That trip, that same trip.

SR: So when did you go to Neverland?

SE: I can remember, but it was in February.

SR: It was in February okay. …. February 1998.

SE: Yeah. I wouldn’t like to put a specific date because I tell you what. When you do that, the fans will, to be honest it was so long ago I can’t remember, one thing I do know is that it was after Lisa Marie Presley’s 30th birthday. Because I remember one of the reasons why he went back to LOS Angeles was because it was Lisa Marie’s birthday. So it was after that.

SR: Okay. So how many times did you meet him after that?

SE: I can’t…I don’t know.

SR: So you say that you’ve met him countless times…

SE: But to be honest, how many times have you seen your friend…I haven’t sat down and counted because I’ve been over there many times.

SR: So you say Michael is a normal person, but the…

SE: Yeah, very normal.

SR: But then there’s the issue of drugs.

SE: Yeah. But this is what I’m trying to tell you. Is that I’m telling you that in the last month that I have been in the media I’ve been under immense pressure.

SR: What kind of pressure?

SE: The thing is the pressure is so much its like you’re permanently anxious because you don’t know what people want from you. Now multiply my case by a thousand million. Michael was a much bigger star than me. So it’s not that he was an abnormal person, his circumstance was abnormal because he was one of the most famous men on the earth and everybody has an opinion about Michael and anywhere he went hew as scared because if he just walked out fans would come and grab him, and want to talk to him and hug him and kiss him. It’s not a very healthy way to live.

SR: Okay, and about having a baby by him, you know, so you didn’t think that he was attracted to you but he liked that you come from a very intelligent family, I’m quoting what I read…

SE: I wouldn’t like to comment to be quite honest, I wouldn’t like because I don’t want to give fans ammunition. There is no. I would just like to say the reason that he was looking at me in terms of genes was because he liked my background and I’ll run through it. Number one, I grew up as a Jehovah’s Witness like he did. Number 2, I came from a very large family like he did and like all his family are musicians, all my family are academic. Number 3, my family is extremely close and he just liked the way that we had been brought up. And basically he used to say that he’d like to shake my dad’s hand because he thought he did a good job in terms of bring up the children well. And he likes that. And he’s not the first person that said it. So many people have said it before. Because in these days, I tell you, especially Nigerians been brought abroad, there’s so many that just go wayward. But in my family, let me tell you. My dad has a PhD. I have a PhD. My brother is a dentist. My sister is a doctor. My second sister is a medical student. My brother, younger brother, he’s about to do his MBA. And my little sister she is in school still. My auntie is an anesthesiologist. Oh that’s another reason why Michael was interested, because my auntie is a consultant that is the top form of anesthesiologist that you can get in England.

SR: What’s her name?

SE: I wouldn’t like to give her name because she’d be mad. And her husband is a top gynecologist. My cousin is a pharmacist. So you can understand what kind of family I come from.

SR: So Michael knew all that?

SE: Yeah he knew it.

SR: You said you exchanged emails with Michael.

SE: No, one email. I sent him an email.

SR: Does he respond to your emails?

SE: This email he didn’t respond to. He calls me. Because I sent this email, I can show you a copy of it, I sent this email to him, and basically I was saying I’m not going to provide you with what you’ve asked me to do. And I told him that he needed to seek help, that he needed to go see his GP, his general practitioner doctor in the sates. I didn’t know what was going on, but I’m upset that he never trusted me to tell me what was happening. Because at the time, I didn’t know that it was a drug problem. I just wondered why he wanted me to get these drugs for him. And I thought, well that’s strange. Particularly that one of the drugs was Diprivan, which is something they use in anesthetics.

See all the other drugs that he told me about, that’s fair enough. I could have very easily asked my aunt or one of my brothers or sisters to prescribe it, but they would have had to have given him an examination because they were just pain killers and anti-depressants, which are normal. But when he asked for Diprivan…you can’t ask for that. So that’s what made me think there’s something strange there and I didn’t want to be involved in it, so I said to him no, I’m not going to do it. But I was too afraid to say no to his face.

SR: So you sent him and email. And you say you can share that with me?

SE: Yeah I can share it with you.

SE: He did respond to that email. He called me. I sent hat email on the 20th of March. Now the 25th of March is my birthday. So on my birthday he called me to say happy birthday and he said to me, don’t worry about the drugs, that he’ll find someone else to get it for him.

SR: So that was 2009.

SE: Yeah, 2009. And then in April I thought about it, and I thought hold on: somebody else to get it for you. And then I started calling him and well harassing him and saying look don’t, stop taking these drugs, and don’t use them. And then we argued, we argued. And I said that I thought he had a problem and I threatened to go and talk to him mom and he told me off and he said that I should never involve his mom because he’s a grown man, I don’t need to run to his mom. And then I told him about all the different things that can happen, to think about his kids and all that, and in the end, in May 2009 I realized that if I keep on shouting at him, he’s going to stop being my friend and I didn’t want to lose the friendship.

So then I what I decided to do was I saw a Jehovah’s Witness magazine which I can also show you, I can send you an email of the think to the magazine. It’s a Jehovah’s Witness magazine which is a whole magazine on prescription drug abuse and how to get help. Now because he grew up as a Jehovah’s Witness and because his mom is still a Jehovah’s Witness, I believed that he would probably read that and maybe that’s a way I can help him without having to shout at him. You know how us Nigerians are, we don’t know, like we’re shouting dah dah dah, I was like that with him and I didn’t know what to do and like, I didn’t want to go tell the media because then, like you know, so and I don’t know what, these big people in America, they’re hard to get a hold of. And I did try to call some people that worked for him in the house and they told me to mind my own business.

SR: So what do you miss most about Michael?

SE: What I miss about Michael is his positive attitude about life despite everything that has happened to him. I don’t want to compare him to Jesus right, because that’s kind of like blasphemy, but if there’s anybody on this earth that’s human, imperfect, that’s ever been persecuted, I think that’s Michael Jackson. He was persecuted beyond belief, but still never heard him say one bad thing about these people. You never heard him shouting saying bastard this, bastard that, never.

SR: He never used curse words?

SE: No, he hated that kind of language. He doesn’t use curse words.

SR: This is amazing stuff. You are the only Nigerian who has met Michael. He has never been to Nigeria. Did you ever talk to him about Nigeria?

SE: It’s really funny I did talk to him about Nigeria because you know that he was trying to do that thing in Bagadry.

SR: He was aware of it?

SE: Oh absolutely. And there was even talk of him being involved in it, but he wasn’t sure about his commitments because of the concerts. In fact his brother went to Nigeria recently.

SR: Yeah I know that. His brother is always in Nigeria.

SE: Yeah his brother, Michael was going be, I don’t know how much a part of it, but he knew about it and he liked the idea but obviously he wasn’t particularly in a good place himself, because he had a lot of his own problems. But I believe that if he lived, he would have been very much a part of it. In fact, Michael loved Nigeria and he loved Africa, and that’s one other thing that he liked. He liked about the fact that I was from, as the call it the black Americans, the Mother Country. Africa. And despite being brought up in the west, I still maintained my roots, as in I know my village, you go in visit people in my village ask for Susan Etok they’ll know who it is because I go and visit them. So he liked that because there aren’t that many people who do that and in particular, I wasn’t born in Nigeria. So he as very enthusiastic about Africa, very, very enthusiastic.

SR: So he was probably going to make trips to Africa you know.

SE: Yeah.

SR: Let me wrap up here and that doesn’t mean that I won’t call you back. I want to make a specific reference to one of the specific fans who caught you on the internet saying you are racist, laid off because you’ve complained of racism…that’s my job because I am an investigative journalist, but I’m interested in your own story because you are Nigerian. And our work is focused on Nigeria/Africa.

SE: Can I ask you a question, when you saw that written, what was you first impression? Did you believe it?

SR: My work doesn’t allow me make that type of conclusion. I have to investigate everything that I do. This is an interview; I’m just taking you through the ground rules here.

SE: Yes.

SR: And I’m wrapping up on this because bottom line you know some of these things will persist.

SE: So what do I have to say about that?

SR: I’m not telling you what to say. I’m just saying just to respond, I mean even your background, you’ve made some response here that takes care of some of these feelings. But I have a duty as a reporter to ask you these questions.

SE: Okay. So can I say something about all those things?

SR: Yes, why not.

SE: I’ve been doing quite a bit of my investigative work and also with my legal team. And those things that are written there are by people that I know who are just jealous about the media coverage.

SR: So you know them?

SE: Yes, I know who they are. I know who they are. I know whom these people are because they’ve come onto my own blog and written things but what they don’t realize is that I can see the IP address so I can trace up you know where it’s coming from. And these people, they go to a site that they think I will never see, usually quite a small one and write these things on there and these are people who are quite jealous. Jealous people who think, they think I’ve made all this money, they think I’ve made loads of money that I’m now a celebrity and they just want to find something to put someone down. In fact there’s even people that have gone on the site and say yeah I’m very close to Susan’s family and what she’s saying is rubbish. Now think about it. Even if someone did make it up, let us just take for example I made everything up. My family being a Nigerian family would never go to someone and say oh she made it up.

SR: And the other thing is you have a book deal, have people talked to you about a book deal?

SE: People have, but it’s not something that I’m looking at the moment, purely because I don’t have time and surely because I don’t know how I feel about writing about it. Because for me it’s not about me, it’s about Michael. And like I come from a research background, I’m not interested in fame or fortune, I’m interested in raising awareness.

SR: Let me ask you something on the lighter side. Since you became very famous, have you gotten a lot of suitors? I say suitors because that is how we call it in Nigeria.

SE: I have! A lot of guys. And what is really funny is celebrities as well. I don’t want to mention any names, but I’ve been contacted by celebrities who suddenly want to be my friend. But in terms of suitors, quite a few.

SR: Any Nigerians?

SE: Quite a lot, you know how they are. Quite a lot.

SR: Big politicians?

SE: Yeah but I don’t want to give any names though.


Elle a rencontré Mikl il y a 11 ans , en 1998 en janvier /février
Mikl n'était pas gay, il a tjs respecté les femmes et n'était pas un coureur de jupons, il était un homme respectueux , une personne respectueuse.Il aimait les femmes et les respectait.

Comment savez vous qu'il n'était pas gay?

Il suffisait de le voir la façon dont il interagissait avec les femmes,il flirtait (aux U.S.A , flirter c'est draguer je vous rassure..)il réagissait comme une homme normal
Beaucoup d'homosexuels ne répondent pas aux "appels" des femmes.MIKL lui,y allait
Si une belle femme passe dans la salle Mikl la regardait

Que dire sur le fait qu'il s'est déjà déguisé en femme?

C'était un artiste ,avec son génie musical..Si vous observez les génies, ils ont tous un côté excentrique, c'est par là qu'ils expriment leur talent artistique, il aimai être unique et mystérieux

Vous le connaissiez de très près et vous l'avez rencontré +sieurs fois


Il était timide?

Il l'était avec les personnes qu'il ne connaissait pas. Une des choses que j'aimais chez lui c'était un joker (dans le sens canaille), il aimait s'amuser, il était très ludique, il aimait rire, jouer des tours à ses amis, il aimait toutes les choses pouvant être associée à l'enfance comme les fêtes foraines, s'amuser, jouer sur une moto, les animaux , il était très doux et très drôle.

Avez vous été attiré par lui?



Non! Pourquoi?

Parce que je l'aimais comme un frère et aussi parce qu'il était + âgé que moi

A til été attiré par vous?

Attiré par moi? Je n'en sais rien. Je n'ai jamais eu cette impression.Mais vous devez remettre les choses dans le contexte, il allait avoir 51 ans , j'en ai 32.La 1ère fois que je l'ai rencontré j'avais 21 ans et il était beaucoup plus âgé que moi

Suite tout à l'heure! mdr2

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